Even though Aloe Riviera is only a year old, I’ve been making jewelry and sewing for the last 25 years. I started doing graphic design in 2010 and I use that skill for all of my sticker designs, graphic tees, and marketing material.

How did you get started?
I learned how to make beaded jewelry when I was a kid from attending workshops, classes, and from other kids at school. I gained more jewelry skills from a friend I met in college.
I learned how to sew when I was 12 from a home ec class at school. My mother also knows how to sew very well and I've learned many things from her. Over the years, I practiced more and more. I still have a lot to learn, but I think I'm pretty skilled at it.
For graphic design, I studied textile design at FIDM in Los Angeles and gained a lot of basic skills there. I interned for Target at their headquarters in Minneapolis for a summer and met many talented designers who shared a lot of tips and tricks with me. After finishing the internship, Target hired me as a full time product/graphic designer. Currently, I design boys clothes for Target through one of their vendors in Los Angeles as my regular day job. Through these jobs, I've learned many things about graphics, textile design, printing and dye techniques, garment construction, fabric properties, etc. Eventually, I'd like to add hand sewn garments to my shop. Keep an eye out for those in the future!
Is there someone or something that inspired you to start or continue to grow?
I think many things have contributed to me wanting to have my own business and be my own boss.
1. I love to create things.
2. I like when people get happy with wearing something pretty I made.
3. I don't like to do the same thing over and over again everyday because I'll get bored. Being creative allows me to make jewelry today, the next day sew something, and the day after draw, etc.

What is your favorite memory being at OMOC?